Jeremy Scott Adidas University of Iowa anthropologist Cristina Ortiz, left, writes on a dry erase board as she teaches an ESL class to Xocnitl Hernandez, in Columbus Junction, Iowa on Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Ortiz, Who Moved to Columbus Junction four years ago to study the town, says Both Chin and the Spanish-speaking communities feel more Chin That Are Being hired at the expense of Latinos, All which HAS created some friction. "Latinos and Chin people Recognize They Both Have the same goals in life," she says. "That is better to make Their Lives and Provide for Their families and live a tranquil life. Goal was in some sense, They are in competition with each other '. Applying They are for the same jobs. They Have the same skills. And That s tricky. Obviously there is some tension there. " ((AP Photo / Charlie Neibergall)) 
Ngun Za Bik stands at the edge counter Time of the Old Grace Chin Store ounce That Housed a pizza restaurant in Columbus Junction, Iowa, on Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Bik arrived in Indianapolis in 2008 Effective living in the Malaysian jungle for 14 years. He struggled to make a living, working part-time at a warehouse. He relocated to Columbus Junction, Where His brother was working at Tyson Already, to open the store. ((AP Photo / Charlie Neibergall)).
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